EUTAC Publishes Article: — Break Through Sales Model by Group-Q

Posted on January 18, 2022

When Europe- and Asia-based LSPs seek growth in North America, their CEOs weigh the cost of hiring and training sales staff in the US, writes Diane McAveeney, CEO and co-founder of Group-Q. They should also consider a faster, more cost-efficient, low-risk model: outsourcing.

  • Sales-as-a-Service can benefit mid-sized language service companies
  • Growing companies can field a vetted solutions team rather that relying on individual, remote salespeople

Get the full read here: 

Article: A new sales model to grow your US language market share

About EUATC 

The European Union of Associations of Translation Companies is an umbrella body for national associations of translation companies throughout Europe, without being limited to the EU. The EUATC provides a united voice for language services companies and promotes the highest standards of quality and business practice. It also helps to improve the training of linguists across Europe.
